Dear Bloggers,
It has been a very long time since I have posted. My last post stated that H.E.R.O. was taking a break to regroup and recover from the earthquake in Haiti. Not only have we regrouped, but H.E.R.O. is forging ahead with plans to construct a residence for street children and create a pathway for success for Haiti's most vulnerable population, the children.
H.E.R.O. became officially incorporated in the State of Tennessee on February 12th, 2010. We are submitting our application for Nonprofit 501 (c)(3) status and hope that the U.S. government finds our program worth exempting for tax purposes. Regardless of the outcome, H.E.R.O. has great plans for the future.
Meet the Board of Directors! Natacha Constant, Michele Deardorff, Paula Poag, and myself are working diligently to move forward with the development of the residence for street children. A plot of land has been generously donated to H.E.R.O., and the Board of Directors is planning a month long trip to Haiti from March 30th to April 30th. During this trip we will be providing disaster relief services alongside Rea Dol, Director of SOPUDEP, and also assessing the potential for the donated land.
Your help is needed now more than ever! We want to begin construction on the street residence by December of this year, and can only accomplish our goal with your help. Please contact us with any ideas, support, or contributions you may have towards this goal. Additionally, you can visit us on our web-site at www.haitihero.org. We are committed to the development of Haiti and its people, and hope that you will join us on the journey.
God Bless,
Steven Kirby