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The foundation of literacy and numeracy knowledge begins in primary school. H.E.R.O. will enroll all of the primary aged children into neighborhood schools that are chosen for their excellent curriculum, instruction, and attention to individual learning styles. We purposefully have designed our program to enroll our students in neighborhood schools, rather than providing the instruction ourselves, because it is necessary that our children experience the social and cultural aspects of schooling. This will allow for the seamless integration of our children into the local community and create a bridge to their native culture and language that would otherwise not be possible.


Secondary aged students will be enrolled in a neighborhood schools that provides an excellent, efficient, and quality education for our children. Students will be able to select the secondary school of their choice providing that it meets our standards for academic success. Secondary schools in Haiti have no form of oversight or regulation, and it is our duty to ensure that the education our secondary students receive prepares them for the National Exit Exam required of all students aiming to receive a secondary school diploma. In collaboration with the teachers of the selected schools, are students will participate in an individualize curriculum, that thoroughly engages the academic mind in all areas.


Through our primary and secondary school efforts it is the goal of H.E.R.O. to provide every child in our program with the opportunity to pursue higher education. To that end, our students will have the option, and it will remain their choice, to engaged further studies at the collegiate or vocational level. Education is the one universal element that allows each one of us to follow our dreams for success. Success comes in many different forms, and in consultation with our children, we will discuss and decide which path they wish to choose for their future. We are confident that as a result of our education programs, each of our children will be college ready, but each individual will be free to follow their chosen dream.

H.E.R.O. will partner with educational institutions in Haiti, France and the United States to offer scholarship programs for our children specifically. Haiti, France, and the United States have an interest in recruiting students from our program, considering that our secondary school graduates will be fluent in English, French, Creole and academically competitive. Both the United States and Haiti are in need of multilingual professionals that will compete on the global job market. Upon completion of their college degrees, our university and college graduates will be invited back to H.E.R.O. to mentor the next generation of children.

H.E.R.O. will provide opportunities for vocational education in the areas of medicine, restaurant management, agriculture, automotive care, computer design/programming, and housing construction. Students that choose this pathway will engage in additional classroom experience while simultaneously interning in the field of their choice. Haiti is in need of professionals in all of these areas, especially individuals that have the 21st century knowledge and multi-lingual skills to perform effectively. Furthermore, these vocations will provide an additional pathway for academic exploration in the instance that our children wish to continue to university or college, after mastering a trade.


The children will become familiar with technology beginning on their first day in our program. Instruction will take place on a daily basis in the areas of basic computer knowledge and typing, internet use, and computer programming/design. Furthermore, our children will have access to both cameras and video cameras to document their experiences with our program, and create BLOGS or websites, to share their stories with the world. Technology has become an integral part in our daily lives, and it is of the utmost importance that our children become efficient, educated, and confident users.


Founded by educators, H.E.R.O. is fundamentally aware in the academic differences of children. Understanding that children have multiple intelligences as examined and explained by Howard Gardner of Harvard University, it is necessary to design additional educational programs for our children that will remediate areas of academic deficiency and accelerate areas of strength. For this purpose, each child will be assessed to determine their current level and style of learning, and then be provided remedial instruction in areas of academic weakness and acceleration in areas of academic strength. Through this process, the children will maintain a high level of academic support through their primary and secondary schooling.

English Courses

Conversational English is becoming a valuable commodity for individuals in both Haiti and abroad. Students entering our program will take part in weekly lessons in the English language in order to provide a solid foundation for eventual English fluency. While secondary schools in Haiti provide courses in English, the dearth in native English speakers presents a learning problem. The instruction in our program will be provided by a native English speaker for both our primary and secondary students. By knowing English, our children will have an incredible advantage when it comes to future enrollment in college or university, or employment in both Haiti and abroad.