Happy New Year everyone! I hope that you had an enjoyable holiday! Prior to leaving for the holidays I had the opportunity to give Final Exams to my students at SOPUDEP. Each student was asked to respond to "What is your name?", count to 8 in English, and identify four colors. To be honest, almost every child was able to say, "My name is _____", count to 8 in English, but almost none were able to identify the colors! I guess I have to work on my lesson plans for that one!
My holidays went great. I spent time in California with my brother Chad, sister-in-law Michelle, and nephews Noah and Cole. I was also in Las Vegas for a few days. I spent the New Years and the remainder of my time with my Godson Carl and his family. Overall, it was a wonderful vacation!
I arrived back in Haiti on January 2nd, and have been back working at Union School. I will begin volunteering at SOPUDEP again on January 11, and am fortunate to have Michele, another teacher at Union School from Washington joining me! We will be teaching English three times a week at SOPUDEP. I will keep you updated!
I wanted to thank those that continue to support the work of H.E.R.O. Your contributions truly make a difference to lives of street orphans in Haiti. Thanks!